The source code for this very website. Adapted from the Beautiful Jekyll theme taking advantage of multiple JS libraries.
Languages: HTML
Solver for the Chinese Postman Problem and its most common variants. Integration as ROS exploration plugin.
Languages: C++
Implementation of several techniques for understanding how CNNs learn and perform inference.
Languages: Python
Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms and models for training agents to play the Italian card game Briscola.
Languages: Python
Introductory course to Python programming for complete beginners with classes divided into Jupyter notebooks.
Languages: Python
Practical examples for how to use both basic and more advanced ROS 2 concepts, expanding on the official docs.
Languages: C++
ROS 2 wrapper for the ORBSLAM 2 package. Visual SLAM algorithms for monocular and stereo cameras.
Languages: C++
Framework to evaluate the performance (CPU, memory, latency, etc.) of arbitrary ROS 2 graphs.
Languages: C++
ROS 2 package for loading Tensorflow computer vision models and perform inference through topics and services.
Languages: Python
Easy to customize template for a colorful scientific resume with one page and two columns built using XeLaTeX.
Languages: TeX
Framework for training, testing and serving Tensorflow models for a variety of Natural Language Processing tasks.
Languages: Java, Python